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Me and design in FAU

University is a mess, I can’t say wheter is good or bad because you go through all of the mental states and feelings while studying. To start, I’m going to clear the fact that studying this career (design) is quite different from the other careers such as medicine, science or psychology, here the subjects aren’t cathedratics classes where you spend 2 hours listening to a teacher and taking notes (at least most of them becuase there are some subjects just like maths or histoy that, depending on the teacher can be called cathedratic) no, here you work in proyects all the time, not very often you do exams but all finals are actually handmade proyects.That can be good since we don’t burn our lashes out solving exercises o memorizing body parts all night, but in my point of view doing proyects are even more stressful that it seems, cause the amount of hours wasted on proyects are inestimable or you can have accidents or take bad  desicions leading you to lose days of working or even...
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It seems fun how fast this year arrived to its end, many things happened and I feel really happy about the this I achieved in this year, but I'm also glad that it's over and now I have a little time to rest, not being relaxed buecause sadly for me the academic year isn’t over, moreover, I’m about to start the worst time of the year: Finals. If you ask me I’ve no idea how I’m going to get through all of this, I fell terrified but the only thing that gives me faith are the following holidays, cause no matter how many subjects I fail this time the summer vacations will be there to clean my soul. So, in my opinion, that time is an oasis to my enormus upcoming storm. My dad was really exited for our holidays, why? We´re going to Cauncun this year! It feels nice to go that far, I´ve never been in Mexico before so I´m sure I´m going to have a great time with my family there. I agree with thinking that going to the beach is a relaxing thing to do and all but I don’t want to sto...


Nowdays, people think they care about important debates, but I've never listen someone talking about the ultimate and most important topic: Is Golf a Sport? That question can leads us to other questions like: what's the difference between games and sports? or what makes an athlet an athlet? Answering those questions can make us understand why here in Chile athlets doesn't have enough resources to achieve the summit of their talents and hard training... because we can't  assess what we can't define. In order to clear this up, I'll take the controversial golf topic and argue why golf is a sport (there's a huge debate about it on the internet). About the sport When we think about a sport we think in basketball, soccer or swimming but what does implies being a sport? The "international sports federation: SportAccord" declared that word "sport" don't aim to have a general, scientifically sound definition but rather makes a clear and ...

Graduate Studies

I was looking for things I'd like to do in the future, like an especialization but it's hard to tell when you're not sure about what you like of your career. Don't missunderstand me, I love studying design and I know my place is on the graphic area, it's just that I haven't explore all the areas in that field so I can't tell what I'm on about. Anyway I have to write about it   I'll tell you the areas on graphic design that I find more atractive: - UX/UI experience design applied on new technology development: Sounds nerdy but it´s actually really fun, being part of big proyects maybe find something really usefull to our decadent planet or human race! - Ilustration, composition, etc: Pretty things and artistic creations will alway be an obsession for designers but for me it's more like a hobby - Services design: not really sure what is this about but sounds interesting, like it´s something that you'd do more with your head than with your ha...

Ideal future

Sometimes when I'm about to sleep I try to imagine my life in five or ten years, but I never get a clear vision about what I would like to do in the future. Although, I know I want to run my own business! I´m not sure about what but it has to be something really awesome and lucrative (does that responses the salary question?) I know a big proyect requiers a lot of time but it can't have all of it, I want time for myself and others in order to equilibrate things in my life and travel, I'm not talking about going out for months to meet the whole world (I'm a really stay-at-home person) but going out the city to clear the mind and relax the body. Big trips can be every two or three years in order to meet new cultures, places and specially new foods :P  Traveling in the job is a must because that's how you can meet products, fabrication process, clients, etc in other countries and learn a lot of new things, also, since I'm going to be the boss, I hav...

A paranormal experience

I´m a believer, that means that I believe in God and the Devil, not as the red old guy with a trident and   pointed tail, but more like a spirit, a demon that is among us. So I´m pretty sure that the story I´m going to write is totaly real. When I was a silly girl in 5th grade, my Friends and I tried to summon the Joker, we were at my friend´s house at night, we placed a mattress on the Wall of a dark room only lighted by a candel, we were sitted holding hands in the middle of the room and repeating Sophie´s words, we recite:  : – Joker, Joker by your grace, grant me, thee the power to conceive in my mind and to execute that which I desire to do, the end which I would attain by thy help, Oh Joker, the one who livest and reignest forever and ever. -  we repeated that spell three times, while sophie, pinching her finger, drained blood over a card of the Joker, suddenly, the mattress fell over us and we ran away, screaming and crying.  Theories? It was a de...

A magical trip

There are many places I´d like to visit before I die, I find really atracttive those countries full of nature and mores, but if I have to choose just one it´ll be New Zealand , the place to have a magical trip. When I find out that all the landscapes of the lord of the rings were recorded there (yes, those places actually exists!) I knew I have to go there. About the place New Zealand have many rural areas  to go, The variety of sceneries is incredible, like mountains, volcanoes, national parks, beach, islands and more. The is many green space to walk, so if you like trecking or mountanism you´d love to go there Rotorua There is a place at the north called Rotoruaa, it´s placed in the lake with the same name, most of the population is Maori. But this place is better known by it´s active geiser Pohutu, it explodes 20 times a day in Te Puia Hobbiton It´s hobbiton, that´s all you need to know.