It seems fun how fast this year arrived to its end, many
things happened and I feel really happy about the this I achieved in this year,
but I'm also glad that it's over and now I have a little time to rest, not
being relaxed buecause sadly for me the academic year isn’t over, moreover, I’m
about to start the worst time of the year: Finals.
If you ask me I’ve no idea how I’m going to get through all
of this, I fell terrified but the only thing that gives me faith are the
following holidays, cause no matter how many subjects I fail this time the
summer vacations will be there to clean my soul. So, in my opinion, that time is
an oasis to my enormus upcoming storm.
My dad was really exited for our holidays, why? We´re
going to Cauncun this year! It feels nice to go that far, I´ve never been in Mexico before so I´m sure I´m going to have a great time with my family there. I agree with thinking that going to the beach is a relaxing thing to do and
all but I don’t want to stop there, I want to visit more places, Mexico has a
huge precolonial (and colonial) history which is super necessery to know, for example, visiting
acient pyramids made by the maya civilization sounds really interesting and
fun. We cannot reyect this oportunity!
woooow I´ve never go out Chile! cauncun It´s the best reward of this final period of the year good lucky!!