There are many places I´d like to visit before I die, I find really atracttive those countries full of nature and mores, but if I have to choose just one it´ll be New Zealand, the place to have a magical trip. When I find out that all the landscapes of the lord of the rings were recorded there (yes, those places actually exists!) I knew I have to go there.
About the place
New Zealand have many rural areas to go, The variety of sceneries is incredible, like mountains, volcanoes, national parks, beach, islands and more. The is many green space to walk, so if you like trecking or mountanism you´d love to go there
About the place
New Zealand have many rural areas to go, The variety of sceneries is incredible, like mountains, volcanoes, national parks, beach, islands and more. The is many green space to walk, so if you like trecking or mountanism you´d love to go there
Wow I would love to see Hobbiton with my own eyes. New Zealand looks like a really beautiful place with a lot of things to do, I would love to go there.