University is a mess, I can’t say wheter is good or bad because you go through all of the mental states and feelings while studying. To start, I’m going to clear the fact that studying this career (design) is quite different from the other careers such as medicine, science or psychology, here the subjects aren’t cathedratics classes where you spend 2 hours listening to a teacher and taking notes (at least most of them becuase there are some subjects just like maths or histoy that, depending on the teacher can be called cathedratic) no, here you work in proyects all the time, not very often you do exams but all finals are actually handmade proyects.That can be good since we don’t burn our lashes out solving exercises o memorizing body parts all night, but in my point of view doing proyects are even more stressful that it seems, cause the amount of hours wasted on proyects are inestimable or you can have accidents or take bad desicions leading you to lose days of working or even...